sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010

E-mail all is not careful!

A man came out of St. Paul to spend the holidays in Rio de Janeiro. His wife was away on business and planned to meet him the next day.

When he reached the hotel, the guy decided to send an email to his wife and, as it found the scrap of paper on which he had written down her address, removed from memory what he remembered and wished to be right. Unfortunately, he missed one letter, and the message was for a lady whose, husband had died the previous day.

When she was checking her e-mails, gave a deep cry of horror and fell to the ground dead.

Hearing the scream, her family rushed into the room and read the following on the monitor screen:

Honey, just arrived.

It was a long trip.

Despite only being here a few hours ago, I'm really enjoying.

Here talked with the staff and everything is already prepared for your arrival tomorrow.

I'm sure you will like.

Kisses her eternal husband. PS:

You are making an infernal heat here!

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